Welcome to the Family

We are dedicated to raising your new family member to be as strong, fearless, and healthy as can be. Starting at only 3 days old we perform ENS treatments and ESI treatments, Then at 3 weeks old we start working on "The Rule Of Seven"

ENS- Early Neurological Stimulation This is a series of 5 exercises that is performed daily starting at day 3 and going until day 16. It is believed to impact the neurological system by kicking it into action earlier than would be normally expected, the result being an increased capacity that later will help to make the difference in their performance,
Five benefits have been observed in puppies that were exposed to ENS, including improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate); stronger heart beats; stronger adrenal glands; more tolerance to stress; and greater resistance to disease.

ESI- Early Scent Introduction
This is a procedure we do that helps puppies with their nose awareness and confidence. It enhances their ability to identify and react to scents. Similar to ENS, ESI is introduced at days 3-16 of a puppies life and is very beneficial for development. Some of the most common scents used are mint, cloves, lemon, apples, grass, essential oils, cat hair, sheep wool, duck feathers, chicken feathers, cloths with goat scent, leaves, leather, lavender, alpaca wool, and oranges. If you have special scent requests please let us know so we can try to work that in

"The Rule Of Seven"
This is a way to start socializing a puppy. Starting at an early age helps prevent fear and anxiety of new things. It is found that by the age of 7 weeks, a puppy should be exposed to 7 different surfaces, played with 7 different toys, been to 7 different locations and met 7 different people. This rule has since been expanded to 12 for 12 weeks. We definitely make sure to get at least the seven in. I will chart all of this so once the puppies go home at 8 weeks you will be able to continue where we left off to get thru week 12.